Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Curled Cress (Lepidium sativum)

Curled Cress / Garden cress also known as peppergrass (Lepidium sativum) is a fast-growing, edible plant botanically related to watercress and mustard and sharing their peppery, tangy flavor and aroma. Garden cress is a green perennial plant used as a leaf vegetable consumed by humans typically as a garnish. Undisturbed garden cress can grow to a height of two feet with minimal maintenance. When mature, garden cress produces white flowers, and small seedpods.

How to grow
Garden cress is easily grown from seed sprouted on a moist paper towel. Sow shallowly every 2 weeks from early spring to early fall, 10 seeds per inch; dark may aid germination. It prefer semi-shade, may also be grown indoors throughout the year. Protect from full sun in warm summers, as this salad vegetable fares best in cool conditions. Germination takes place within 24 hours.

Harvest info
Edible shoots are typically harvested a week after germination when they are between two and four inches tall. To harvest seeds, allow seedheads to dry on the plants, then remove.

Nutrition info
It has a sharp peppery flavor and is important source of calcium, iron, vitamin A and vitamins C and E.

Cooking info
Eat raw as salads and make cress sandwiches. Use it in place of parsley as a garnish, and delight in the taste as a breath refresher after the meal.

1 comment:

  1. June 05, 2014
    The Director
    Dear Sir,
    Good Day.
    I am pleased to inform you that I have written a manuscript on Medicine and Pharmacy. The manuscript is now getting ready for publication. It contains 25 chapters and nearly 1000 pages. The manuscript is aimed at filling up the gap of original work on Medicine and Pharmacy in the light of the Holy Scriptures, particularly the Bible and the Qur’an. In the manuscript there is a chapter on Prophet’s Medicinal Plants. I have selected several images of Cress (Lepidium sativum L.) plant after searching your website. I intend to paste any one at the appropriate place in the text. Please let me know how I can add credit to you for the image.
    I therefore, need your kind permission for reproducing the picture,which may be subject to copyright, in my manuscript. As a source of the images you will be acknowledged in the text. Please note that I have already received permission from Ta Ha Publishers UK, Darussalam Publishers, Riyadh and from some other internationally reputed publishers, individual authors and websites.

    I look forward to welcoming your kind permission towards a noble work for the benefit and welfare of mankind. Please treat the matter urgent.

    With best regards,
    Yours faithfully,

    M M Hussain, PhD (Pharm)
    Image location:
