Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cucumber "Marketmore 76"

'Marketmore 76', is a slicing cucumber that has 8-9"" long, slender, dark green fruits that maintain their uniform color, even under weather stress and highly disease-resistant. Marketmore 76 begins bearing late, but picks for a relatively long time. It remains dark green even in hot weather, has a sweet mild flavor, tapers at both ends, blocky, white spines, and no stippling. it has a solid reputation as a dependable open-pollinated slicer. Good for both home gardens or market in cool climate areas. The cucumber is a quick growing subtropical vine. They can be trellised if desired. It is an excellent slicer in salads and for other fresh uses.

How to grow
Sow directly at 1 inch deep in well-drained, silghtly acidic, fertile, loam soil. Prefer full sun, a bit of afternoon shade is helpful in very hot summer-areas. It need warm weather 21 to 25 degree Celsius. Regular watering to supply abundant moisture and continue to harvest fruit, even if misshapen, to keep vines productive. Germination in 4 to 7 days. Spacing is 24 to 36 inches apart and in rows 4 to 6 feet apart.

Maturity Period
Approximately 70 days

Nutrition info

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